Currently, the soft tissue laser has been universally accepted as a tremendous adjunct to soft tissue therapies, providing dentists with an extremely precise, atraumatic method for manipulating oral tissues.
How does the dental laser work?
The laser emits concentrated energy in the form of a light beam. This beam vaporizes matter. The dental laser delivers a narrow pulsed beam and each pulse vaporizes only a specific number of cell layers within the circumference of the beam. This gives the dentist very precise control over the laser.

Why is the dental laser different than conventional treatment?
The dental laser is unique because it can be used as a surgical instrument without some of the routine, but undesirable surgical effects. The laser stops bleeding, and seals lymphatic and nerve endings, thereby by-passing inflammation and the usual discomfort that is associated with inflammation.
What are dental applications of the soft tissue laser?
- COSMETICALLY: The soft tissue laser is also used to cosmetically reshape the architecture of the gums. In many cases your dentist is able to remove portions of tissue that are covering up healthy tooth structure, thereby lengthening the teeth, reducing the amount of gum that shows and thereby enhancing the smile.
- SURGERICALLY: As a surgical instrument, the laser makes extremely accurate, bloodless incisions. Most patients report a substantial reduction in post-operative pain. The virtual elimination of bleeding during surgery gives the dentist a clear view of the operating field and reduces the risk of infection for the patient. This enhances healing greatly, speeding up recovery for the patient.
Will I feel pain?
The majority of patients report no pain. A few report mild discomfort. The dental laser delivers pulses of energy too short to trigger a neural response.
Is anesthesia required?
Not usually but this varies from patient to patient.
The dental laser is:
- Faster and more efficient in many cases
- Essentially painless
- More sterile (the laser tip sterilizes itself in operation)
- Causes less bleeding
- Less invasive, thereby not requiring sutures (stitches)
- Precise and conserving of healthy tissue
- Safer
- Less painful post-operatively
- Faster healing that conventional treatments
For more information or to schedule a consultation, please contact our office.